Labels:bulletin board | hakham | person | reckoner | sky OCR: Sa naw when we laak at the Starry Nioh and we see that WAS done in 1889 the year of the World's Fair the fact that Van Gogh sent ta ar independent exhibition in Paris one of his starry nights- -not this ir Saint-Remy but the one of the Star PLi Nigha ove? the Ririne the fact that he sent it to be exhibited suggests that he felt some affinity for the forces that were driv- ing the organization f the World's Fair of 1889 And it's that dualism on the one hand the conquest expressed in Van Gogh awn writings his own fantasies, and even his own imagery, and this interest in the starry night and the rela tionship af the self ta the cosmos- -that embodies those same forces h8 the World's TATE vear over Rrone sugpests